How to Fix a Crossbite

How to Fix a Crossbite

Who knew that smiling without being self-conscious would be on so many people's vision boards for 2024? But we get it. Having a smile that you can be proud of is such a luxury, and this is precisely why we're in the industry we're in. 

Knowing that there are surgery-free and affordable ways to fix orthodontic issues, specifically crossbites, for the sake of this blog and sharing them with others is not only our meal ticket, but it's our passion.

So, welcome if this is your first time here. We like to take a millennial approach when it comes to chatting all things orthodontic and treatment options, so prepare for sarcasm out the wazoo, a couple of slightly inappropriate metaphors, but also for humanised information that'll give you the knowledge you need on how to fix a crossbite.

But first:

What is a Crossbite?

Remember in the 90s when it was considered 'super cool' to style your hair with a zigzagged part? That's pretty similar to how the teeth align with someone suffering a crossbite. 

A crossbite is another form of malocclusion or misaligned teeth - we've previously discussed how to fix an overbite, so if you missed that riveting piece of content, have a squiz. 

Crossbites can affect the top and bottom rows of teeth, having them over and underlapped all over the place. But most commonly, a crossbite describes when the lower teeth cover one or more of the upper teeth when you bite. So, predictably, a crossbite will often be referred to as a misaligned bite. 

Don't be mistaken; the symptoms of a crossbite aren't limited to aesthetics. Crossbites can also cause teeth grinding, jaw pain and problems, pain when eating, gum disease, and abnormal facial development. (I bet you're already looking into appointment times after that juicy piece of info, aren't you? But, press pause on your freak out because we'll get to the 'fix it' section of the blog)



Types of Crossbites

Depending on which teeth are affected, there are three main types of crossbites. 

Posterior Crossbites occur when the back upper teeth sit inside the lower teeth. This type of crossbite can often be overlooked, as the affected teeth are further towards the back of the mouth.

Anterior crossbites are when the lower front teeth overlap the upper front teeth. Anterior crossbites are also widely known as underbites.

Finally, we have bilateral crossbites. This crossbite is when the teeth are here, there, and everywhere. Some are in front, others behind, and sometimes teeth right next to each other are crossed opposite ways in the jaw. We imagine this form of crossbite could be compared to a rave when there are just bodies everywhere, and no one really knows what they're doing, what time it is, or where they're going next. 



What Causes a Crossbite?

Like all orthodontics, some issues are simply due to genetics. There may have been nothing you could have done to prevent a crossbite. However, other factors can be the culprits for delivering you a less-than-perfect smile. 

Some childhood habits such as thumbsucking, tongue thrusting, and perhaps even sucking on a dummy for too many years could alter your jaw and, therefore, the alignment of your teeth. Which we understand can be highly annoying - where were Mum and Dad while you were chowing down on your thumb all those years? 

But, don't worry because we're here to give you the goss you need on: 



How to Fix a Crossbite 

If you clicked onto this page without reading up on who we are and what we do, then you might be surprised by our answer to the question, 'How to fix a crossbite':

Clear aligners. 

Be honest, were you expecting surgery? Or the big, clunky metal braces also highly displayed in the '90s? If so, we love being the bearer of good news:

Our Bitesoft Clear Aligners are an almost invisible yet highly affordable orthodontic treatment that you can complete entirely at home! 

These aligners use calibrated force to move your upper and lower teeth together into a new position, forcing the body to adapt by remodelling the bone and correcting your jaw alignment.

Basically, when pressure is applied to a tooth, the periodontal ligament or PDL (a group of connective tissue fibres that attach the tooth to the alveolar bone) compresses, and the bone on the side receiving the pressure responds by resorption.

Our innovative approach allows our team to track your progress remotely using a super cool gadget we call the Scanbox! After an initial consultation or after you return your impression kit, your aligners will be delivered to your doorstep, and 6-12 months later, viola, you'll be the proud owner of a pain-free, stunning smile.

For those sceptics out there reading this, thinking, 'Yeah, bloody right, as if plastic is going to straighten my teeth?' You, my friends, need to head to the reviews and results pages of the website before forming an opinion about whether clear aligners are an effective solution to treat crossbites.

So, whether you're spiralling through the Google answers for 'How To Fix A Crossbite' to correct your bite or just searching for ways to straighten out your smile, we're glad you landed here, and we want you to know that our team is serious about helping you achieve your dream smile and we are here to answer any and all of your questions. 

So, crossbites be damned, you deserve to chow down on your fav foods pain-free and possess a celebrity-worthy smile that'll have Instagram scrollers stopping and staring.

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