Learn How to Make Your Gums and Teeth Healthy Again

Learn How to Make Your Gums and Teeth Healthy Again

Do you think you have your teeth brushing and flossing routine so firmly down that you're protected from gum disease? Think again…

We're sorry (not really) to be the ones to burst your bubble, but there's more to oral hygiene than a simple brush and floss method, like a crap tonne more.

But don't worry. As always, we're here to enlighten you on the 'need to know' about practising healthy hygiene habits—a 'how to improve gum health for dummies', if you will. 

If that intro has you on a serious downward spiral, getting friendly with your reflection in search of indicators that you may already be gum disease-ridden, don't panic. Before we get into how to strengthen teeth and keep gums healthy, let's first discuss:

Symptoms of Poor Gum Health

There are various ways to identify symptoms of poor gum and oral health. Some symptoms may even be as subtle as a partner or close friend whispering that you have bad breath on more than one occasion, and others may be as deliciously delightful as pus spitting out of your gums. Other symptoms can include:

  • Receding gums
  • Gums that bleed easily
  • Tender and swollen or puffy gums
  • Cold sensitivity
  • Pain when chewing
  • Darker colouration of the gums - dark red or purple
  • Loose teeth or the complete loss of teeth (pirate vibes)

Symptoms of Poor Teeth Health

Similarly to gum health, there are various ways to identify symptoms of poor teeth health before developing gum disease. Some of which we've already discussed. However, regarding your actual set of chompers, there are a few other symptoms to be on the lookout for. Including:

  • Toothaches
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Mouth Sores
  • Gum Inflammation
  • Jaw Pain
  • Cracked or broken teeth
  • Stained or discoloured teeth

I know what you're thinking, 'What the eff do mouth sores have to do with teeth health?' Glad you asked… Mouth sores can actually be a symptom of a bacterial infection or virus often caused by broken teeth or fillings you may be unaware of. So, if you're constantly suffering the excruciating pain of mouth sores and the damage they're doing to your social/dating life, it might be time to up your oral hygiene game. Keep reading to find out how to get healthy gums again.



What Do Healthy, Strong Gums and Teeth Look Like?

When it comes to healthy gums, it's all about the colour. So, what do unhealthy gums look like? We like to look at it this way:

Pink, brown or purple gums = good.

Red, yellow, black, white or grey gums = bad.

Monitoring the colour of your gums is always a good indicator of whether you're at risk. So, store those selfies away for reference, and if you notice your gum colour changing, you know it's time to schedule a visit to the dentist.

When it comes to healthy teeth, you might think, 'Well, my teeth are whiter than the moon, so I'm all G.' BUT that's not always the case… especially if teeth whitening strips are part of your 'night-out regime.' Whitening strips are like a bandaid for underlying issues such as cavities, plaque build-up and other unpleasantries that can go on in your mouth. So teeth colour aside, healthy teeth will be strong, pain-free when chewing, free from decay or breakage and, of course, supported by healthy, non-bleeding gums. 



How to Get Healthy Gums and Teeth Again

Unfortunately, there's no one way or quick fix to make your gums and teeth healthy again. Instead, you'll need to adopt a set of healthy habits to improve gum health and promote exemplary oral hygiene. So, if you want to wave bye-bye to bad breath and all of the other less-than-pleasant symptoms that come along with unhealthy oral hygiene, here's what you need to implement:

  • Brush and floss twice daily - and do it properly
  • Brush your tongue (it has germs too)
  • Use mouthwash
  • Rinse your mouth after every meal and drink water like you're a fish
  • Ditch smoking
  • Limit alcohol and other sugar-filled fizzy drinks that your teeth won't appreciate (the same goes for sour lollies and foods that'll stick to your teeth and gums and trigger dental decay. No more fruit roll-ups for you)
  • Regular dentist appointments and cleans

Implementing these habits will help keep your gums and teeth healthy. However, we're sorry to report that, in some cases, habits have little or zero to do with gum disease. In a few unlucky cases, gum disease can be solely blamed on genetics (thanks, Mum & Dad). 

Crooked or gappy teeth may also be more prone to gum disease, so if straightening your teeth has been on your mind for aesthetic reasons, know that the benefits of straight teeth go far beyond a brand-spanking new, glorious smile. And the team of dental professionals at Bitesoft Co can help you there. Reach out to us here and let’s chat or visit the FAQs page here.

In any case, supporting healthy oral hygiene is the best way to ensure your gnashers remain in the best condition possible. 

So, regardless of whether you already have healthy gums and teeth, it's always a good idea to introduce good habits to ensure they remain in pristine condition. Prevention is better than a cure, my friends. So, don't wait for an issue to arise before you prioritise your oral health, because soon enough, you'll find yourself googling, 'How to prevent gum disease and make your gums and teeth healthy again.'

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