Bitesoft Clear Aligners

Night vs Day Clear Aligners - what will you choose?

So, you’ve finally made the decision to straighten your teeth with clear aligners, and now faced with an even bigger challenge - will you go with our day or night option? 

We like to make teeth straightening simple, so let’s keep it that way. If you are stuck on what option to choose and want to know the cost of Bitesoft clear aligners, you’ve come to the right place.

To break it down -

All Day Clear Aligners

Cost $2,799.00 

Wear time: 20-22 hours per day

Our all day clear aligners are the ultimate straightening guys. Yes, you may have to wear them for 20-22 hours per day, but it sure is worth it when you can start smiling confidently in just 4-6 months. With our Zendura FLX material, your aligners will be crystal clear throughout the day, allowing you to smile and go about your normal life without any chunky metal interruptions. 

Night-Time Clear Aligners

Cost $2,799.00 

Wear time: 10-12 hours per day

The convenience of straightening your teeth while you sleep is more important to some. With a wear time of 10-12 hours, put your aligners in before bed and our mighty aligners will do the rest! The average treatment time is slightly longer at 8-10 months, with many preferring this option if they wish to complete their treatment discreetly. 

 To sum it up - 


- Speedy fast: wear the aligners for more hours in the day = less treatment time overall


- Convenience: no removing your clear aligner when meeting a date for lunch

- Discreet treatment: straighten while you catch those Z's


Find out what option is best for you, or complete our 15 second smile assessment form to get started today!

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