Welcome to your Bitesoft journey!

We’re thrilled to be part of your journey toward your most confident smile!
To get the best results, please follow all treatment instructions carefully. Below, you’ll find valuable tips and tricks to help you along the way.

Let's set up your Scanbox

This is likely the most crucial step before starting your aligner treatment. We need to monitor your progress closely. You should have received an email from Dental Monitoring to activate your account; please follow the instructions and let us know once you’ve activated it so we can begin your treatment.

scanbox information

Video Walkthrough

If you’d prefer to view this information through videos, please click on our YouTube link!

Getting Started

Where do I start?


At number 1! We've popped a number on each bag + on the side of each aligner, just to make it easy.

How do I put them in?


Softly push the Aligners over your front teeth, apply equal pressure using the tips of your fingers to fit them to your molars. Don't worry if they are a tight fit, trust the process! Chewing on the chewies to help seat your Aligners. You will need to hang onto your chewies and do this every aligner change.

How long do I wear them?


Each aligner must be worn for 22 hours a day OR 12 hours a night, depending on the aligners you chose. This is super important and non-negotiable. If you don’t do this, your teeth won’t move as desired and your treatment plan won’t be effective.

Why are chewies so important?


Clear aligner chewies are small, soft silicone pieces (the little white tubes in your maintenance kit) that help ensure your aligners fit snugly against your teeth. They’re important because they assist in seating the aligners properly, promoting better movement and effectiveness of the treatment. You will need to chew your chewies each day for at least 10 minutes to help seat your aligners, especially the first few days after an aligner change.

When do I change my aligners?


Every two weeks, you’ll get a notification in your Dental Monitoring app reminding you to take your scans. After you complete your scans, our team will let you know if you can move on to your next aligner or if you need to stay with your current one a bit longer.

How do I take them out?


Use your outie tool (the small white hook in your maintenance kit) to gently lift the aligners from your molars on one side of your mouth, and then carefully work your way around.

Aligner Hygiene

Can I eat with my Aligners?


Yes! Food is life. We do recommend you take them out to eat, as it can feel a bit strange. This is entirely up to you.

What can I drink with my Aligners?


You can drink any cold liquid with your Aligners in! Piping hot drinks can warp your Aligners so we recommend removing them before consuming as this will change the shape of them and affect your treatment.

How do I clean my aligners?


There’s nothing like a good scrubbin’! Use the toothbrush head in your maintenance kit to give your Aligners a good clean.

Can I smoke?


It’s a NO from us! Stained, yellow Aligners and a yucky mouth? Enough said.

Common Questions

Help, I have a lisssthhpp!


You sure do! It’s normal for this to happen, and may take a few days to get used to, but eventually your mouth will adjust to the new visitor on your teeth!

No pain, no gains!


It’s normal to feel some discomfort during treatment, your straight teeth at the end of your treatment will make it all worth it. Again, trust the process!

Oohhhhh, they fall apart..


Whilst we might not be able to help you with a broken heart. We can help you with a broken Aligner! If an Aligner breaks, go back to your previous set immediately to stop your teeth from moving. Once you’ve done that, get in contact with us ASAP and we will arrange replacements.

My Aligners feel loose?


Because your teeth are moving, there might be minor differences between the Aligners and position of your teeth as you go through your treatment. Especially at the end of your treatment this can be expected and normal.

Rough around the edges?


If for some reason your Aligners feel a bit rough or sharp, use the file supplied in your kit to gently file the edge down. After doing this, break off a small amount of the dental wax and pop this this between your gum and Aligner to stop any

Post Treatment

Retaining your new smile is important and we've made it easy with our post treatment retainers. You can purchase these retainers on our website and continue to purchase them in years to come so your teeth stay nice and straight. Once you order your retainers you will need to continue to wear your last set until your retainers arrive (2-3 weeks). Please don't order your retainers until you are completely happy with your results. Please replace your Bitesoft retainers every 6 months and wear them as prescribed so your teeth don't move back. Alternatively you can opt to get a permanent retainer at one of our BitesoftPro Partners. If you'd prefer to get a permanent retainer please let us know!

We are contactable 24/7

Our team monitors your treatment extremely closely. We will be there to guide you every step of the way.

Any questions please contact your case manager on the dental monitoring app. If you have any urgent request please contact us on:

Phone: 07 5400 2096
Email: info@bitesoftco.com

We will get back to you within 12 hours.


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